Squat Frog by Sebastion

Squat frog by Sebastion

When I have someone working for me, the first thing I try to get them to be able to do is build a squat frog, per my father’s design of so many, many years ago. From now on, such people will be working a lot smaller than this. Maybe it is not so smart to teach this skill. I had one person who worked for me who stole the design. He learned how to do it, then repeatedly showed his work in none other than the gallery I had been selling my frog sculptures in for years and years. I’m taking action against this. Not a pleasant task.

But anyway, when I have someone work for me, and they have anything to do with “The Frog”, I want them to learn stuff. I want them to learn how to build some frogs. This may be insane. But the truth is, when I’m busy, I do need help with these things. In other words, there is often a tremendous amount of labor in these frogs. So, even if I have someone sign a non-compete statement and that they will not go off and copy what I do and steal my (and my father’s and brother’s) design, I also have to give a lot of attention to who ends up working for me.

I actually have my son, now 21, working some for me, learning how to make-a-duh frog, as I call it. Which I am very excited about. And if I can get him to be excited about it, well, that would be great. He does not yet have the fire in his belly for this work. I cannot blame him. I never did for many years. But now it is all I do. How about that?

This frog, represented here, was made by a nice enough fellow I have had work for me, on and off, Sebastion. I think he’s done a commendable job. It looks rather art deco. Nice. The mouth is a bit wonky. But, that is the beauty of the frog. The wonkiness and funkiness works with the frogginess of the frog design. That, incidentally, is how others have been able to “steal” the design. Cop it or whatever. Because they do not have to have the same skill level as I have to do it. The frog may come out wonky. But that’s…okay, as Al Franken’s Stuart Smalley used to say.

It worked for me. For many, many years my frogs were wonky. And they took a lot longer. I got better and better. The frogs changed. And they continue to evolve and devolve or whatever.

Now you can see that I do not mind saying if someone else made what I am selling and say I made. It is rather a collaborative design. I’m into that. As long as Sebastion doesn’t go around saying that this is his design and his frog… He wouldn’t do that. Would you, Sebastion? No. He wouldn’t do that. Todd did. But he wouldn’t. That’s one reason he works for me. Another is because he can make a squat frog, even if the mouth is a little wonky. Actually, it looks good.

Available or soon to be in the Frog ‘n Froglet SHOP! .

Sebastion’s squat frog
Sebastion’s squat frog

Peek-A-Boo Frog

peek-a-boo frog
Peek-a-boo frog
peek-a-boo frog
peek-a-boo frog

Okay. I try to change things up and come up with new designs. This is a kind of pass/flop design. In some ways, it’s a – what? You know. A what? .As in What the heck is that? My son’s uncle said when he saw a picture of this frog, “You can’t do that.” Well, actually, you can. You just have to know how.

This design grows on you. Or can. I hope. Someone is going to like it. It’s one of those type of frogs. It’s not going to be popular. Not unless it gets a cult following. But, such things, I daresay…are possible?

I will say, it took some doing to figure out how to put his hands that way over the eyes. It wasn’t easy. I had to first make a clay model of the hands. Yeah, I do stuff like that to get things right, the proportions and positions.

A nice thing about him, he can sit or stand. I did not know that until someone I had working for me stood him up. Then I said, “Oh, that looks good.”

Made in January or February of the year 2020, or, as we have come to know it, the year of covid.

Available or soon to be in my online store, the good new (as opposed to ole) Frog ‘n Froglet SHOP! .

peek-a-boo frog

Divin’ In Frog

Pretty simple idea: He’s divin’ in. But, wait a minute? He’s divin’ into – what is that? It’s stainless steel. Don’t worry. He’s made of metal. Okay, jokes aside, you can put this guy in a pool. Then he would look like he’s diving into the pool.

The stainless steel base is there to somehow stabilize him. I might find some other way. I don’t want it to look like he’s diving into stainless steel. But, like I said, you could put him in a pool.

Anyway, I think he looks good. There are some things I would change next time I make this one. But I could say that with just about every frog I make.

Available or soon to be available at the Frog ‘n Froglet SHOP! .

diving in frog sculpture beau smith 2020
diving in frog sculpture beau smith 2020
diving in frog sculpture beau smith 2020
diving in frog sculpture beau smith 2020
diving in frog sculpture beau smith 2020

Hangin’ Out Frog

hangin’ out frog

Sorry I did not have a nearby ledge to take a picture of this guy on. But you might. Hint, hint. Available or will be available in the Frog ‘n Froglet SHOP! .

Early January, I started writing down all these ideas for different kinds of frogs. I came up with a list of more than a hundred. It actually might be more than two hundred now. Anyway, this is a keeper. A definitely good design that works, people like.

hangin’ out frog

You see how the top of the head, in front of the eyes – what do you call that area? – I started putting another piece of copper over the first piece so as to add some texture and give him some – again I don’t know what to call them – hole shapes? Anyway, that’s new. Haven’t always been doing that.

I make a point to point out this kind of stuff because I want to show that my frogs are collectable – collectables, you might call them (especially the smaller ones, and the froglets).

hangin’ out frog
hangin’ out frog

I like the texture.

hangin’ out frog
hangin’ out frog
hangin’ out frog

hangin’ out frog
hangin’ out frog