Okay. I try to change things up and come up with new designs. This is a kind of pass/flop design. In some ways, it’s a – what? You know. A what? .As in What the heck is that? My son’s uncle said when he saw a picture of this frog, “You can’t do that.” Well, actually, you can. You just have to know how.
This design grows on you. Or can. I hope. Someone is going to like it. It’s one of those type of frogs. It’s not going to be popular. Not unless it gets a cult following. But, such things, I daresay…are possible?
I will say, it took some doing to figure out how to put his hands that way over the eyes. It wasn’t easy. I had to first make a clay model of the hands. Yeah, I do stuff like that to get things right, the proportions and positions.
A nice thing about him, he can sit or stand. I did not know that until someone I had working for me stood him up. Then I said, “Oh, that looks good.”
Made in January or February of the year 2020, or, as we have come to know it, the year of covid.
Available or soon to be in my online store, the good new (as opposed to ole) Frog ‘n Froglet SHOP! .