The first of it’s kind! Very small, and very hard to make if you don’t know what you are doing.
This frog going to the Wallace’s.
I just sold this online. (7-10-11) It’s a nice design. I will make more of these.
Experimenting with hammering heated copper over forms to get these shapes.
You know Venus on the half shell. This is Froglet on the half shell. The half shell is a lily pad.
Usually I name these after I have built them. Unfortunately, I was kind of on autopilot when I was deciding what to make this one doing. He ended up looking like Frankenstein’s Monster. But I like that.
Like many of these early Froglets, this is the first of its kind. The lily pad, the cattails…
An early suspended Froglet. I like this design, suspending the Froglet on a stainless steel rod. It gives the figure a lot of fr4eedom and you can see all sides – and it looks suspended.