I Like Minimal

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This is the second comic of The Talking CHARACTERS. It was very easy to make and I hope nobody copies me…yet.
So this is what I did: First off, I put this app on my computer that is called typewriter. It makes typewriter sounds when you write on a keyboard. So that gets me really in the mood. Then I just write. It doesn’t take much, and this was written straight through, no editing. Well, maybe some editing – a tiny bit – when I started production: that is, making the actual comic. Here is what I wrote, raw:
Happy New Year! . Yeah. So what? ! Hey, listen! If I have to all the time use exclamation points…you should be using way more periods, my man! . Bend the rules a little. It’s the 1st of January. ! S0.?! . So… New Year’s resolutions don’t officially begin until… ? When? . Until I say. ! And when is that?! . I don’t know yet. ! Then I’m going to use way more different types of expressions than just exclamation point. . Go to it. I guess… … Ok. Everybody is using my ellipses. I’m not going to allow that. I’m very special. ! . ? We know! ? Or do we?
The production of this material did not take a whole long time, either. I am not going to describe how I went about producing the copy into a comic, but I think you would agree by today’s standards, it was very low end on the tech scale. Yet, as you may also surmise, tech was involved.
Why this note? Because this blog is all about the creative process! It is also about letting you see the originality of my work, especially the inception of an idea.
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This is a red letter day! Or maybe I should say pink. (note 1)
It is New Year’s Eve, 2021. The Talking CHARACTERS have emerged! This is the first time I have created a comic style…comic. It’s a comic, using characters – you know, stuff you type. Symbols. They talk. And now, I have made it into a comic strip. So, yes, this is a red letter – pink letter – day. Bravo. And tip my hat to Charles Shulze.
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A maquette is a model for a larger work. I call smaller works maquettes, but often they are not made exactly in anticipation of a larger work, per se. Only, I work small knowing that when I hit on an idea I especially like, or rather, which I think would be good as a larger piece, then I will make it larger. Rarely do I make a small piece, a “maquette” or model, in anticipation of a specific piece I want to build large. Customers sometimes ask me for sketches. I don’t do that, either. When I make something for a customer, which he or she commissions, it is usually based on something I have done already, or a variation of that.
I actually do not like making something small in anticipation of a specific large work. Rather, I like working small with the knowledge that, among what I make, will be the ideas for designs for larger works. So, truthfully, I like working small. I can work my ideas out more quickly, and also see what makes sense to make bigger.
And Now! Introducing…
(Note 1)
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Talk about firsts! This is the very first time I have created… What do I call this, anyway? The keyboard characters are characters. I make them talk. It’s that simple and that complex. And I just came up with this today.
It’s a red letter day! The day before New Years day, 2021. Big deal. The birth of the talking characters. Big, big deal.
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Check out some of Leo Manske’s art.
And now, because you are here, I present
The Talking Characters
What the? Heck? , Did you just pause? ? I think Eye did. , Did Eye or did U? ? I think U did it. , Nope, not me. U Of course it was U. , I tell you, it was not me. U It was me. I did it. , Are U sure? ? How can I be sure of anything? U Hey, this has nothing to do with me. Leave me out of it. I (note 1)
I just sold this online. (7-10-11) It’s a nice design. I will make more of these.
Experimenting with hammering heated copper over forms to get these shapes.
You know Venus on the half shell. This is Froglet on the half shell. The half shell is a lily pad.
Usually I name these after I have built them. Unfortunately, I was kind of on autopilot when I was deciding what to make this one doing. He ended up looking like Frankenstein’s Monster. But I like that.