Diving In Froglet

This frog is diving in. It also looks like it is doing something called kaoshiki, which is a dance created by my Guru, which is the Guru of Ananda Marga.

diving in froglet #1
diving in froglet #1
diving in froglet #1
diving in froglet #1
diving in froglet #1
diving in froglet #1
diving in froglet #1

Chillaxin’ Froglet

Just sitting on the ground chillaxin’.

chillaxin’ froglet
chillaxin’ froglet
chillaxin’ froglet
chillaxin’ froglet
chillaxin’ froglet
chillaxin’ froglet
chillaxin’ froglet
chillaxin’ froglet

Yikes Froglet #1

He started out being a yippie froglet – then I thought he was a little over the top, rather, a yikes froglet.

I make each one, one at a time. So I am always trying to vary things and make them doing different things and having different expressions.

yikes froglet
yikes froglet
yikes froglet
yikes froglet

Jumping for Joy Froglet

I like the expressive hands. I always try to get a lot of expression in the hands. I like the way his mouth turned out from a side view.

jumping for joy froglet
jumping for joy froglet
jumping for joy froglet
jumping for joy froglet

I Dunno Froglet

Sometimes I don’t know what I am going to make. I mean, I know it is going to be a frog – but what kind of frog? So, I had the body of this froglet, and the head, and I asked him, “What do you want to be? What do you want to be doing?” He said, “I dunno.” So that’s what I made him doing.

i dunno froglet
i dunno froglet
I dunno Froglet
i dunno froglet
I dunno froglet

Mother and Baby Froglet #1

mother and baby froglets

This took quite awhile to build. I like how it turned out, though. I got the idea from these guys who make “flea” sculptures out of steel. This was my translation into my medium. Very heartwarming.

mother and baby froglets

mother and baby froglets

mother and baby froglets
mother and baby froglets