NOTES TO “I Wonder/Prelude to a Mudfish” 8 December 2021

These are notes to “I Wonder/Prelude to a Mudfish” 8 December 2021

Note 1

Y’all want process. I mean, that’s what an artist’s blog is about. It is about the process of creativity. So, thinking aloud is permissible. In fact, I expect it. So, not only do I show the process of making the art, I also show the process of making the blog. So there.

Note 2

This note is not really a note. It is simply like an egg – like an egg that you find on an Easter Egg hunt. It is a nice, green colored egg, a little bit shiny, and possibly sweet. (You will have to imagine that.)

Do not feel that going here to review this note was unproductive. You now have a nice, imaginary green egg (without ham, and intact, you know, still in the shell), to go with the blog post. And, mind you, not everyone found this egg. So it is kind of special. It is a special experience just for you.

Does this note have anything to do with where it was placed in the blog post? It could. It very well could…

By the way, I hope you did not skip down here from the first note and go ahead and read the second note even though you had not come to the second note in the blog post. That’s cheating. The problem is, I cannot take the egg away from you. Now you have it. But, for those who did not cheat, they get an egg with a tiny little unicorn inside…

Did you guys who cheated just imagine a unicorn inside your egg, too? Hey, that’s cheating. Okay, I’ve got you. For those who did not cheat, your unicorn is PURE. For the rest of you, stop imagining the unicorn you did not earn.

Note 3

BTW, what did you do for your summer vacation?

Oh, and, for those who like to cheat, you aren’t still reading down the notes? Are you? That’s not fair. You should go back and read the blog post. You can refer to the notes anytime.

Are you like the person who reads the ending of the book before they get there? Oh well. Not much I can do about that.

Seriously, though, some of these notes will be legitimate. This one was not. I must admit. But future notes may be extremely pertinent. You just never know… T. (note 1)

Note 4

Entertain you. See? Like with the notes.

Well, if you’re not entertained, at least I am.

Note 5

Like that guy who sold his collection of digital images for 69 MILLION dollars. Beeple is his name. He sold an NFT. Don’t ask me to describe it because I am still figuring out what an NFT is. It’s ridiculous. Is what it is. 69 MILLION? Are you kidding me?

So now of course everyone is hopping on that bandwagon. The NFT bandwagon. But, hey, Beeple did it first. So he deserves whatever cut he gets of that cool 69 MILLION smackeroonies.