dncing frog Frog sculpture by Beau Smith and Todd Miller
Judy’s dancing frog
dncing frog Frog sculpture by Beau Smith and Todd Miller
Judy’s dancing frog
Beau smith hand-made sculpture
Human-sized, monument sculpture, able to stand the test of time, suitable for the garden and permanent outdoor public placement
Frog for Berry
Beau Smith has been making large, human-sized frog sculptures for over thirty (30) years. He also makes smaller frogs (but not too small). Main website: http://beautifulfrog.com/
These are smaller squatting frog sculptures by Beau Smith. They are still large compared to the size of a real frog. About 8” x 8”. All small frogs hand-made by Beau and his apprentice. All copper and brass.
These are smaller squatting frog sculptures by Beau Smith. They are still large compared to the size of a real frog. About 8” x 8”. All small frogs hand-made by Beau and his apprentice. All copper and brass.
This frog is ready to go. If you want him, Berry, he’s yours.
human sized copper frog reading
copper, brass, and stainless steel, all non-corrosive metals, human sized
Human-sized, monument sculpture, able to stand the test of time, suitable for the garden and permanent outdoor public placement
for Michèle et Daniel
copper frog human sized reading
copper frog human sized reding
for Gina