Small Standing Martini Frog Sculpture



Small standing Martini Frog sculpture just came together spontaneously. I got out of the way and the piece happened. Beau Smith

Standing Thin Legged Frog Sculpture


Standing Frog sculpture with thinner legs, which I personally like, as does the client who had me make this for her.

Artist Frog Sculpture

Nice artist frog sculpture, probably a pleine air painter putting the finishing touches to his painting


Little Jimbo Frog


My son Julian named this frog Little Jimbo. For some reason that makes perfect sense to me. Here on this Youtube we talk about it:





Panning for Gold Frog

This frog is panning for gold. Or also could be Narcissus.  Here is my son and I chatting about the frog:




Toasting Champagne Frog

This Frog is to recognize a job well done and a promotion recently received. This was a gift to a client. She decided she wanted a frog sculpture from me. This was the gift she chose. I am honored.

Bookend Platter Frogs

2 small frog sculptures ( 17″ x 12″) each sits on a mantle or shelf, one on one side, the other on the other side, like bookends. They hold platters on which you can place items like candles, bowls, and what have you.

Frog designs based on earlier frogs

Earlier frogs had skinnier legs. Frogs evolve. Sometimes throwbacks show up. They are neat as well. Some folks like them better.